Hylas Yachts launches the first hull of the new Hylas M49
The new Hylas M49 is based on the Hylas M44 which was initially launched in 2005 as the Corsair 44 by Salthouse Next Generation Yachts in New Zealand. In 2018, as a collaboration between Salthouse and Hylas Yachts, the Hylas M44 was introduced in the US with slight updates to the original Corsair design.
Driven by the tremendous success of the Hylas M44, the M49 was developed to meet the desires of existing owners for a larger model offering more room in the aft lounge, an increased capacity to carry water toys such as kayaks and paddleboards, and enhanced stowage for the dinghy.
As for the new models’ performance, the Hylas M49 designer Dean Salthouse puts it this way…
“Having owned and operated five M44, and seriously tested both the M44 and M49 in extreme conditions (and I mean New Zealand extreme), both vessels have many similarities and different strengths when directly compared. Whether it’s steaming from Australia to New Zealand in the M49 after the launch of the first hull, crossing Cook Straight (the body of water between the North and South islands of New Zealand) in 30′ seas, or delivering an M44 from Auckland around the top of New Zealand and then down to Nelson at the top of the South Island, these experiences only increase the faith and reputation of these model.”
Dean’s philosophy to yacht design and building is that he “should be the one to trial and test these designs to the Nth degree, not you the client.”
Designer, Dean Salthouse recounts the launch of Hull Number 1 of the new Hylas M49.
“So, what do I think of the Hylas M49? Right from launch day, the M49 had one unmistakable quality; she could stand up to heavy seas. We had a good 50 knot breeze onshore from a storm that had us tied to the dock until it dropped to 30 knots two days later.
As for commissioning the boat, common senses deemed it prudent to wait until the winds settled, but we didn’t’ want to waste the sea state and conditions to get out and sea trial her. The boat did not disappoint. She tested exceptionally well in the quite heavy seas.”
“Firstly, it is very noticeable how stable the Hylas M49 is in terms of the beam to beam roll. As for athwartship stability, with the longer waterline, the M49 handles the seas. You cannot have enough of that! Second, in large head seas, the additional length and comparatively modest beam allow the waves to slide by without a lot of bow lift. And as the bow does not lift, it certainly does not slam. This makes the boat very comfortable and cuts back the head seas’ effect, making a 4′ wave seem like a 2′ wave.”
“With the seas on the beam, the extra stability is notable, further increasing the ride’s comfort. It makes a 30-knot day feel like a 20-knot day if that makes sense. Downwind as well; the boat is fantastic. In large following seas, where you are typically surfing down the waves, the boat handles solid and predictably. As a result of the longer waterline, the bow plows ahead, feeling very stable in conditions where you normally encounter a bit of fishtailing. We were very impressed with the stability, comfort, and sense of security.”
“Many of the boat’s handling characteristics are owed to the warped planing hull, which gives the best of both worlds. A fine entry for cutting through the seas, and a flatter run aft allowing for an easily driven ride with efficient performance.”
“In my experience, when encountering seas between 2′ and 5′, it is common practice to increase boat speed until the spray clears the front windows. Without using trim tabs, the M49 runs flatter and prefers a slightly higher speed to raise the bow than the M44 due to its increased length. Around 23 knots in a seaway. Owing to the fact the M44 and M49 have a very efficient hull design and operate with a relatively flat fuel burn, driving the boat faster does not significantly increase the burn rate as with many other vessels. With the longer hull, we were able to increase the fuel capacity from 238 to 317 gallons enabling owners to go faster and further than before!”
Equipped for comfort, designed for safety, and built to go anywhere, anytime
In addition to the performance and handling advantages, the new Hylas M49 offers many options for customization, such as larger guest accommodations, a second head, more extensive interior and exterior storage compartments and lockers, and more. One of the best features afforded by the increase in the aft lounge is the additional entertainment area, which extends between the galley and outside seating area. This space can be customized with additional pullout refrigerator drawers, wet bar, combination washer, and dryer, or used as extra storage. Also, beneath the sole in the aft lounge is an additional storage locker for fishing gear, dive equipment, or any water toys.
With the collaboration and expertise of Hylas and Salthouse Yachts, the new M49 and the M44 sistership, are modern yachts incorporating the best equipment and distinct Hylas styling preferred by the most discerning yachtsman. We are thrilled to introduce this exciting new model and look forward to seeing the first Hylas M49 arriving on the US’s shores. Ideally suited for cruising, the Hylas M49 has the legs to reach the most desirable destinations in a comfortable, safe, and undeniably beautiful manner.

LENGTH OVERALL: 49’2″ (15 m)
LENGTH OF WATERLINE: 45′ 9″ (14 m)
BEAM: 13’6″ (4.12 m)
DRAFT: 3’2″ (1 m )
FUEL CAPACITY: 900 litres
WATER TANKAGE: 185 gal (720 litres)
BLACK TANK CAPACITY: 25.10 gal (95 litres)
DISPLACEMENT: 11.5 tonnes
ENGINE: Twin 370hp Yanmar